Our Raport on Social Impact in 2023 is out!

As s social impact company, Art Square Lab carefully watch out to walk the talk! In 2023 we have implemented multiple projects with educational sector, municipalities and main players in […]

7th Birthday of Art Square Lab

We are 7 years old! Big thanks to all the partners and clients who have collaborated with us and made this path so exciting! From #creativity with artists to #designthinking […]

Promouvoir le vivre-ensemble interculturel

We are happy to have a chance to present our project WELLKOMM during the event “Promouvoir le vivre-ensemble interculturel” organised by Ministère de la Famille, des Solidarités, du Vivre ensemble […]

Reefab Project

In the frame of the Reefab Project we had a chance to take part in a study visit to Fab Lab Barcelona in the frame of the REEFAB project. Amazing […]

Touch Base programme for Social Entrepreneurs

The second edition of the Touch Base program has started in Social Business Incubator – SBI and we are happy to guide th participants through the problem-fit phase! We are […]

Charles joins Art Square Lab!

As part of our social impact, we share our experience with the future generations. Welcome Charles, our new intern in our team! “My name is Charles Even. I am from […]

Échangeons sur le #DiagnosticCancer

🫂 Échangeons sur le #DiagnosticCancer : Votre vécu, Notre motivation Si vous avez été touché par un #cancer entre 2018 et 2024, rejoignez-nous pour un après-midi d’échanges 💬 Que vous soyez […]

Welcome Dalia to our Team

Bienvenue à Dalia chez Art Square LAB SIS! Dalia nous a rejoint pendant 2 semaines pour s’initier au design de service, à l’UX ! Dalia est une autre étudiante de […]

The Future(s) of Banking Training with DLH

What will be the future(s) of banking sector? and who will be a future customer of a bank? can we start creating a customer experience for the customers of the […]

Welcome events in communes of Luxembourg

Si vous organisez ou animez des événements de bienvenue pour les nouveaux citoyens de votre commune, cet atelier pourrait être intéressant pour vous ! Program: 8h45 Bienvenue9h00 Introduction au projet […]

6 projects of Lux Gov Jam 2023

It’s been already a week ago since we have completed 4th edition of Luxembourg Gov Jam! This year Global Gov Jam brought a super important topic on the table: our […]

Luxembourg Gov Jam coming soon!

1.5 day of creativity, cooperation and action to solve common problems. Do you want to get involved and support with your skills and knowledge? Come and join Luxembourg Gov Jam […]

Future of Banking Workshop

If you work in banking sector and want to dive deeper in excellent #customer#service for a bank of tomorrow- join the training offered by Digital Learning Hub Luxembourg on 22nd […]

Urban Health and Design Thinking

Discover EU is an European project that allows young people to travel with inter-rail across Europe and meet their peers from other countries on so called Meet-ups. Together they have […]

Our Impact raport 2022 is ready!

In Art Square Lab we are proud of our social impact. Please have a look at the report describing our commitment to development of fair society where citizens have a […]

Luxembourg Impact Days!

First Luxembourg Impact Days behind us! 2 days of exchanging experiences, meetings and discussions about social economy, change and the support needed for the social economy to grow. For us […]

Welcome Sonia!

Welcome Sonia in Art Square Lab SIS! Sonia joined us for her 6 weeks internship. We are happy to have you in our team and support us- we are happy, […]

Événement WËLLKOMM à Sanem

L’événement de bienvenue pour les nouveaux arrivants dans les municipalités est une excellente occasion d’échanger des informations, mais aussi d’entamer un #dialogue avec d’autres citoyens, de faire connaissance avec les voisins et […]

Thinkathon in ECG!

L’Ecole de Commerce et de Gestion (ECG – Luxembourg) a acueilli un thinkaton organisé par Art Square Lab SIS dans le cadre du projet européen Erasmus+ “Imaginarium – Creative Youth […]

Fit4Service avec l’Atelier Kräizbierg

En tant que consultant pour le programme Fit4Service de Luxinnovation GIE, nous aidons les entreprises à développer les meilleures expériences clients possibles. Ces dernières semaines, nous avons eu la chance […]

Comment mesurer la créativité ?

La créativité est évoquée comme l’une des compétences futures (et difficilement reproductible par les ordinateurs !) mais comment la mesurer ? est-il facile de s’auto-évaluer comme créatif ? Si vous êtes […]

Personal Assistance with LISER

Personal Assistance is an important project piloted by the Ministère de la Famille, de l’Intégration et à la Grande Région and Luxembourg Institute of Socio-Economic Research (LISER). We were glad to assist both […]

Welcome Margot!

In January we are lucky to collaborate with Margot, our new Intern! “I am Margot, a student from the University College Maastricht. This month, I am doing an internship at […]

WËLLKOMM project: co-creation workshop

„How Might We allow better orientation in people, places and local resources?” or “How might we present Luxembourgish culture (visible and non visible aspects)?” were some of the questions we asked to the […]