„How Might We allow better orientation in people, places and local resources?” or “How might we present Luxembourgish culture (visible and non visible aspects)?” were some of the questions we asked to the 15 participants of the co-creation workshop that took place last Saturday. Representatives of the commune and newcomers came to Ettelbruck to share their ideas and help co-create welcome events.

The “How Might We” challenges were based on insights from 20 interviews and 5 focus groups implemented between September and December. The insights are divided into 5 areas. For each challenge area (e.g. locality, multiculturality, people & places) we will create solutions: various formats of welcome events to be organised in different municipalities.

Now it’s time to write the tool kit where we will include suggestions on how the welcome events could be organised having certain timeline or budget, so stay tuned!
Project is carried out with the support of: