6 projects of Lux Gov Jam 2023

It’s been already a week ago since we have completed 4th edition of Luxembourg Gov Jam!

This year Global Gov Jam brought a super important topic on the table: our #legacy, our impact, our footprint. In Luxembourg, 6 teams had 24 hours to elaborate the theme and come up with prototypes of public services related to the needs of users.

So we have seen ideas for onboarding of #newcomers, #simplifications of access to information, support of more sustainable #consumer choices but also something from the top of Maslow Pyramid- Ministry for Dreaming and development of own potential. Great outcomes, dynamic, kingdom of #imagination. Let the marathon keep on rolling!

Big thanks to all the facilitators, testers and of course the participants! With support of Ministère de la Digitalisation Luxembourg and House of Startups Luxembourgps. thanks to Luloop.lu for rental of cups!

Pictures and videos: Hobo Boho (www.hoboboho.lu)