1.5 day of creativity, cooperation and action to solve common problems. Do you want to get involved and support with your skills and knowledge? Come and join Luxembourg Gov Jam…
If you work in banking sector and want to dive deeper in excellent #customer#service for a bank of tomorrow- join the training offered by Digital Learning Hub Luxembourg on 22nd…
Discover EU is an European project that allows young people to travel with inter-rail across Europe and meet their peers from other countries on so called Meet-ups. Together they have…
In Art Square Lab we are proud of our social impact. Please have a look at the report describing our commitment to development of fair society where citizens have a…
First Luxembourg Impact Days behind us! 2 days of exchanging experiences, meetings and discussions about social economy, change and the support needed for the social economy to grow. For us…
Welcome Sonia in Art Square Lab SIS! Sonia joined us for her 6 weeks internship. We are happy to have you in our team and support us- we are happy,…
This week we had a chance to participate in a biannual meeting of communal representatives - GRESIL, Group of Exchange and Support in the field of Integration at the Local…
Cette semaine, nous avons eu la chance de nous rendre dans une des communes participant à notre projet WËLLKOMM pour co-organiser l'événement de bienvenue pour les nouveaux arrivants. Nous avons…
L'événement de bienvenue pour les nouveaux arrivants dans les municipalités est une excellente occasion d'échanger des informations, mais aussi d'entamer un #dialogue avec d'autres citoyens, de faire connaissance avec les voisins et…