Co-creation session with ILA: design Thinking in action

very first versions of the wireframes

The creation of new ideas for solutions rarely happens when we are sitting at our desks, between meetings and the urgent need to answer emails. That is why a co-creation session in a creative lab (Art Square Lab:) gives you the opportunity to step out of your real and mental box, change your perspective, turn things around, ask yourself: if this is the solution, then what was the problem?

This is how we worked with the ILA (Institute Luxembourgeois des Administrateurs) team last week on new solutions for the website, based on a prior user needs study (UX-research). The study helped us to validate concepts, the prototypes ready for testing to ensure better allocation of the resources. But not only that: the co-creation session dynamic, facilitated by external moderator allows bringing in the new perspective, highlight the priorities across the teams (marketing, IT, business) and reach common understanding and faster decision taking. After 4 hours of working together, it is clear that many back-and-forth emails were cut down. This is collective intelligence! And what is more important: you guarantee creation of people-centred product or service (for both employee and your customer experience).

Please get back to us if you want to know more about how we can prepare such a session for your company. We can help you to assess the current standing point and present you benefits of this approach.

Please reach out to Magdalena:

decision taking process

first sketches, the starting point for further decisions
co-creation session in Art Square Lab