Service Design for Public Sector – join our Meet Up!

Welcome back to the new season of Service Design Events! It is time to gather our community around the topic of service design for public sector and have a closer look on services that we experience in everyday life in Luxembourg.

“Design is one of the most important drivers of the quality of experience for users of services. For governments to remain credible to their citizens, they must treat the design quality of their services as seriously as the best businesses.” – Tim Brown, CEO and president, IDEO

What seamless services we admire and why? What services could be delivered in a different way? Where do we see the necessary changes that would make life of the users easier?

No matter if you are designer, UX designer, civil servant or a curious citizen – join us for this interactive session. We will have a chance to reflect on the question: “ How to design Public Services that meet your needs?” and have a look at the 15 principles of good service design according to Lou Downe and her book ”Good Services”. And …there will be also interactive exchange in small groups!

Your input will assist us in devising a 48h Service Design workshop – according to the GGovJam approach – in November.
This time we are pleased to share the stage with the Council for simplification.

The event will take place in House of Startups on 14.10 at 18.15

18.15 Door open
18.30 Welcome by Art Square Lab and intro to the topic
18.45 Council for simplification- presentation of concept
19.00 How to Design Services that meet Citizen’s Needs? – input and group activity
19.45 Networking
20.30 End of the event

Register by 10th October here: